Saturday, January 9, 2016

What goes on

A few very simple hand-drawn animated gifs from a series of old experiments.

Ink and graphite on paper, animated in Adobe ImageReady


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Video Organ

Interactive mutli-media installation for Lot of Thing, Whippersnapper Gallery, Toronto, July 18th-31st, 2009.

It consisted of a sculptural assemblage featuring original video content controlled by a MIDI keyboard/hidden laptop and displayed on an embedded CRT monitor, a live video feed from a vintage Beta Camera pictured on a tiny TV screen, an LCD picture frame showing original photos, assembled with skulls, bones, insulation foam, fabric, roses, wood, etc. The installation was accompanied by a series of drawings as well.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Collective Intelligence

 Collective Intelligence
 A mixed media sculptural installation for Dark Arts II at Moniker Gallery, Toronto, October 2013.